Roke Manor Quarry Planning Application Stanbridge Ranvilles Extension
Welcome to our Virtual Planning Exhibition.
We have recently been granted planning permission for this application so this virtual exhibition and feedback form are now closed. If you would like to message us separately, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Manager, Lauren Tuffin on
This event was organised by Raymond Brown Quarry Products Ltd (RBQP) to share our proposal for a quarry extension at Roke Manor Quarry in Romsey, Hampshire.
We had hoped to host a public planning exhibition at Awbridge Village Hall but unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions we were unable to do so.
Rob Westell, Estates and Planning Director
Rob is a Chartered Minerals Surveyor and Fellow of the Institute of Quarrying with over 20 years in the quarrying industry. Rob is also the Deputy Chairman of the Environmental and Mineral Planning Committee of the Minerals Products Association (MPA), the main trade association for the aggregates industry in the UK. Rob is responsible for all planning, property and environmental permitting matters across the business, maintaining the company’s ‘Licence to Operate’.
Lauren Tuffin, Planning and Development Manager
Since joining the company in 2007, Lauren has achieved an MSc in Spatial Planning and more recently become a Chartered Mineral Surveyor. Lauren lives locally and has project managed a number of mineral and waste planning applications, similar to the Stanbridge Ranvilles Extension. She uses her environmental knowledge to ensure planning applications provide a range of environmental and social benefits. Lauren will co-ordinate a team of specialist consultants to undertake assessments for all requirements of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) planning application.
Colin Jones, General Manager
Colin has extensive quarry operational experience, having spent over 40 years in the industry. His experience includes nearly 10 years as Quarry Manager of a large quarry operation in Yorkshire extracting over 2 million tonnes of limestone per year, extensive overseas experience and 15 years in the South of England including a number of years overseeing operations at Roke Manor Quarry. Colin is a Member of the Institute of Quarrying (IoQ) with specialist industry qualifications including a Diploma in
Quarry Engineering and a level 5 NVQ in Health, Safety and Environment in Quarrying.
RBQP is a wholly owned subsidiary within the Raymond Brown Group of companies, which includes Fortis IBA Ltd and Raymond Brown Minerals & Recycling Ltd. RBQP is a leading quarry operator and supplier of primary aggregates. Our quarries produce quality materials for local construction and provide sustainable solutions to the built environment.
The company invests heavily in ensuring protection of the environment. Our aim is to protect and restore habitats by setting standards for existing biodiversity and ongoing quarry restoration, as well as creating new initiatives and long-term objectives. Our team develop plans in close liaison with various stakeholders who assist in measuring performance to ensure that we are making significant improvements to biodiversity throughout the life of the site. We regularly engage with Local Planning Authorities, the Environment Agency and other statutory authorities to ensure full compliance with legislation and regulation
Our Environmental Management System (EMS) is accredited to ISO14001:2015. The environmental policy and procedures are incorporated into all aspects of the company and form part of the site management systems.
Memberships and Awards
RoSPA Gold – Last year, Raymond Brown Quarry Products received the RoSPA President’s Health and Safety Award for 11 consecutive gold awards. RoSPA Awards are internationally recognised awards for demonstrating high health and safety standards.
MPA Membership – RBQP’s membership provides access to a wealth of industry knowledge and the ability to contribute towards shaping national mineral planning policy and environmental regulation. Membership also allows eligibility to the MPA’s Restoration Guarantee Fund – Rob Westell is the current vice-chairman of the MPA’s Environment & Minerals Planning Committee.
Institute of Quarrying South of England Best Community Award for Community Matters Initiative – In 2019, RBQP won The Institute of Quarrying Best Community Engagement Project Award for the South of England which is designed to recognise projects where sites are actively engaging their local communities and achieving positive results.
In judging this award, the Institute of Quarrying were looking to understand the relationship Raymond Brown has with the local community, who our local community is, what their key concerns are and how the initiative addresses these issues.
MPA Awards – In 2019, Raymond Brown’s Binnegar Quarry was commended in the MPA’s Quarries and Nature for Outstanding Restoration for work undertaken to restore part of Binnegar Quarry to a rich mosaic of heathland, interspersed with permanent and ephemeral ponds and scrapes, providing new habitat for many rare and protected species.
In 2017, Raymond Brown was awarded the MPA Biodiversity Achievement Award for Brickworth Quarry where we had recently gained permission for an extension to the existing quarry. The area to be quarried was a commercial coniferous plantation. The proposed restoration was to broadleaved woodland whilst protecting the soils which contained a rich seed bank. A robust soil handling strategy was designed, and optimised phased direct placement of soils within restoration.
MPQC Membership – Established in 1983, the MPQC provides training and personal development services to the extractive industry sector.
Roke Manor Quarry was opened in 2015 and involves the extraction of 750,000 tonnes of sand and gravel at a rate of 125,000 tonnes per year. As the mineral is extracted, the site is being progressively restored back to agricultural land using inert construction arisings. Extracted mineral is transported to a state-of-the-art processing plant by ground conveyors. The plant processes the mineral to produce a range of high-quality aggregate sizes and sand. The residual silts produced from the mineral washing are used for restoration onsite.
Roke Manor Quarry has a remaining mineral reserve equivalent to approximately 12 months of extraction. In order to maintain the supply of construction aggregates to the local market beyond the life of the existing reserve, RBQP proposes a westerly quarry extension, known as the Stanbridge Ranvilles Extension.
This virtual exhibition provides a summary of the draft proposal we are consulting on and we welcome your feedback and comments.
The quarry supplies 125,000 tonnes per year of sand and gravel into the local construction market for use in concrete, general building and decorative materials. The principle markets for the Roke Manor Quarry sand and gravel are Hampshire and Wiltshire, accounting for circa 90% of sales. This sales pattern is envisaged to remain the same for the Stanbridge Ranvilles extension mineral.
Mineral products are an essential, enabling sector of the UK economy. The majority of the mineral industry’s output is used in UK construction: improving our housing stock, transport networks, commercial and industrial buildings, utilities, schools and hospitals. For example, the construction of a typical house uses up to 50 tonnes of aggregate – from the foundations through to the roof tiles.
The industry supplies the necessary mineral products to support future sustainable economic growth, whilst also playing its part in the transition to a low carbon and more circular economy. For more information and to view the 2020 Profile of the UK Minerals Products Industry (published by the Mineral Products Association), please click here.
Due to the quarry’s location on the A27, a strategic link road and proximity to conurbations of Romsey, Southampton and Salisbury; Roke Manor Quarry and the proposed extension is important for the local construction market.
Roke Manor Quarry has directly supplied aggregates and imported inert construction arisings for the following local projects:
- New Lidl Store, Nursling
- Bloor Homes, Redbridge Lane, Nursling
- Audley Stanbridge Earls Care Village, Stanbridge Lane
- New Village Hotel, Bournemouth Road, Chandlers Ford
Roke Manor Quarry directly employs eight fulltime staff, all of whom live locally. The site also supports further employment within the company from sales staff, IT support, plant maintenance teams, compliance teams and the Estates and Planning department.
There are also indirect jobs created from associated haulage, goods and services. These jobs are reliant on there being continuity of production from Roke Manor Quarry to the proposed Stanbridge Ranvilles extension.
The planning application will be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which will consider the following aspects: Landscape, Ecology, Water Environment, Historic Environment, Archaeology, Soils, Arboriculture, Traffic, Noise & Vibration, Air Quality and Climate Change. It will also assess the extant Planning Policy, Cumulative Impacts and Alternatives.
Stanbridge Location Plan
To view the below document as a downloadable PDF document, please click on the image.
The proposed Stanbridge Ranvilles extension is located adjacent to the existing quarry and the in-situ mineral processing plant at Roke Manor Quarry. The proposed land is intersected by the existing haul road to the site leading directly to the access point onto the A27. As a quarry extension, it is proposed that we will continue to use the purpose built minerals processing plant, ancillary buildings, equipment, site entrance and surfaced haul road.
Stanbridge Ranvilles provides a natural extension to Roke Manor Quarry and ensures the high quality sand and gravel reserve is maximised to its full potential
There are no proposed changes to the existing planning conditions relating to hours of working, annual sales/throughput, traffic access and management.
Draft Layout/Phasing Plan
To view the below document as a downloadable PDF document, please click on the image.
The proposed extension area has a mineral extraction area totalling 16 hectares and containing approximately 600,000 tonnes of saleable sand and gravel.
It is proposed that the mineral will be extracted in four phases over five years, equating to approximately 125,000 tonnes per year, consistent with existing sales rates at Roke Manor Quarry. The site will be progressively backfilled with inert construction arisings and silt from the processing plant. The restoration activities will be fully completed within a further three years.
The initial operations will comprise stripping of the soils to create perimeter-screening bunds for reducing visual impact and noise attenuation. Standard quarry mobile plant such as a 360o excavator, loading shovel and dozer will be used to progressively excavate and load the mineral onto ground conveyors for transference to the mineral processing plant. Each phase will be backfilled and restored in accordance with the proposed Restoration Scheme.
Restoration Scheme
To view the below document as a downloadable PDF document, please click on the image.
Proposed Draft Restoration Scheme
Restoration of the site will be to predominantly agricultural use, as existing. The proposed restoration scheme incorporates environmental enhancements such as additional tree and hedgerow planting, mixed habitat creation and surface water bodies. The restored land will be designed to ensure that surface water continues to drain to the east as at present, and is directed to two local streams, flowing eastwards towards the River Test.
As a responsible operator, RBQP ensures operational best practice is followed onsite to minimise any negative environmental, amenity and health impacts on the communities in which it works.
As there will be no change to rates of aggregate production, there will be no change to operating hours, the types of vehicles used, traffic routes or site access arrangements.
Almost all vehicles turn left out of site to use the A27 towards the A3090 Romsey/Southampton and onwards to the M27. There are a small number of lorries that turn right out of site for local deliveries.
The planning application working scheme has been carefully designed and modelled to ensure noise from the proposed extension is kept to limits set out in planning guidance.
Standard mobile quarry machinery such as an excavator and loading shovel will be used to extract the mineral. These machines are currently used at Roke Manor Quarry and therefore will be relocated to the proposed extension. There is no blasting required for mineral extraction.
Ground conveyors will be predominantly used to transfer the mineral to the processing plant to minimise the use of heavy mobile plant movements.
The well-screened existing mineral processing facility will be used to process the material.. There is no vibration impact.
Screening bunds comprising of site soils will be constructed around the boundary to provide visual and noise mitigation to the local environment and amenity.
Air Quality
An existing Dust Management Plan is already in place at Roke Manor Quarry, as part of this proposal an assessment for the potential sources of dust has been undertaken and the Plan has been revised. A comprehensive set of mitigation measures has been proposed to ensure there are no adverse dust or health impacts.
What we already do…
We appreciate that local residents may have concerns around the potential impacts of the quarry. We have sought to minimise any impacts at Roke Manor Quarry since operations began in 2015 and will continue to do so with this proposed extension.
- The mineral is damp when extracted and processed to control dust emissions.
- A wheel-wash is onsite to ensure each vehicle’s wheels are cleaned prior to leaving the site to prevent any road debris on the highway.
- A road sweeper is used twice a week to clean the haul road and site entrance to prevent any road debris on the highway.
- When necessary we dampen down haul roads, aggregate stockpiles and operational areas to control dust emissions.
- We monitor noise and dust to ensure that the operations are within the specified limits to prevent any local disturbance or impact.
- We undertake training of all site staff to ensure they are aware of the site’s environmental aspects and to promote best practice in all our operations.
- We meet regularly at the site liaison committee to ensure local representatives are kept well informed of site operations.
Landscape and Ecology
Ecological surveys have been undertaken within the area to provide a comprehensive assessment of the local flora and fauna.
Whilst the proposed area does not lie within a statutory designated landscape area, Green Belt or important open area, Squabb Wood and Dunwood Manor Woodland (both Sites of Nature Conservation Interest) are in the local vicinity. It is recognised that the proposed extension area does have potential to support a number of protected and notable species. The ecological surveys are ongoing and will inform the creation of an Ecological Mitigation and Management Strategy. This will ensure local, sensitive habitats and wildlife are protected.
Trees and Soils
A full arboricultural survey has been completed to ensure adequate standoffs are in place to protect tree root zones. This assessment also included the conveyor route through the remnant strip of Squabb Wood to ensure protection to soils and ecology.
Additional hedgerow and tree planting will be completed as part of the site’s restoration to improve the existing vegetation and connectivity of ecological corridors to Squabb Wood, outweighing any loss of the hedgerows and trees within the proposed extraction area.
A detailed soil assessment has been undertaken to ensure management and protection of soils throughout the lifetime of the quarry. Following the quarry and backfill operation, the soils stored in the perimeter screening bunds will be carefully placed and restored for future agricultural use.
Historic Environment
The planning application will include an assessment of local cultural heritage and setting to ensure mitigation of any direct or indirect impacts.
Similar to the archaeological monitoring at the existing Roke Manor Quarry, a full archaeological appraisal of the proposal area has been completed. The site operations will be in accordance with the Archaeologist’s recommendations.
Water Environment
The hydrology and hydrogeology of the area has been extensively monitored and assessed to ensure that the proposal mitigates any risk to the groundwater and local surface water. A number of control measures will be in place to protect the local water environment. A full Flood Risk Assessment will accompany the planning application.
The proposal is located on the headwaters of two local streams that flow eastwards towards the River Test. Throughout the lifetime of the proposal, management of surface water will ensure protection of local streams. The restoration scheme has been designed to include two water bodies to manage the rate of surface water flow into the local streams.
Hampshire County Council declared a climate change emergency in June 2019 and have committed to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, raising the profile of climate change within the county and across mineral development sites. In accordance with this target, our proposal will include a carbon footprint appraisal to reduce the impact of climate change and to identify opportunities to become carbon neutral. Further information on this will be submitted within the planning application.
Public Rights of Way
There will be no proposed changes to local Public Right of Ways.
Community engagement and looking after our people has always been a key priority for our business. We are committed to maintaining positive relationships with the communities in which we work and we are constantly developing opportunities to ensure the local community benefits from our operations.
Raymond Brown is committed to working with schools, colleges and community groups to develop programmes that educate and inspire the future of our industry, we host school lessons and provide learning opportunities locally. An example of this is our School Lorry Design Initiative which invites children from local schools to use their imagination and creativity to produce designs for our lorry fleet. Based around the themes of ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’, the children are encouraged to create posters that are as eye catching as possible whilst promoting the importance of recycling and the significance of staying safe within the industry. Raymond Brown has lorries designed by the following local schools:
- Awbridge Primary School
- Whiteparish Primary School
- Lockerley Primary School
- Romsey Primary Schools
- Nursling Primary School
- Redbridge Primary School
- Rownhams St John’s Primary School
RBQP has supported many local community projects to Roke Manor Quarry with recent sponsorship including: Romsey Carnival, Awbridge Village Fun Run, Awbridge School Christmas Fundraising Fayre, Awbridge Primary Summer Fundraising event and Wellow Tots.
Thank you for attending our public exhibition. We hope you found the information useful and informative.
We anticipate that the planning application for the proposed Stanbridge Ranvilles extension will be finalised and submitted in late March/early April 2021. Following this, Hampshire County Council will conduct its own statutory consultation – giving you another opportunity to give your views.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Project Manager, Lauren Tuffin via email: