Brickworth Quarry presented with Raymond Brown Environmental Award
The Raymond Brown Environmental Award has been presented to the team at Brickworth Quarry for their work on hibernacula and pond creation, as well as the work restoring Lowden’s Copse with ancient woodland soils.
With the support of Mark Renault, Environmental and Permitting Manager, the team at Brickworth Quarry have demonstrated best practice in terms of habitat creation, restoration, sustainable development and collaborative working.
The habitat creation which includes the unique hibernacula and habitat ponds has not only allowed biodiversity to be maintained across the site, but has encouraged it to flourish and will continue to do so throughout the active extraction process.
A robust handling strategy from the team has ensured the careful management and conservation of ancient woodland soils and the planting of native trees. What was once commercial lumber plantation has now been restored and transformed from a near monoculture of pine to a young mixed broad leaf woodland that will grow and support wildlife of all types and sizes and be a key area for biodiversity in the wider landscape.
The planting of these indigenous species of trees with open glades will benefit species like reptiles, amphibians, bats, dormice and birds to deliver a net gain in broadleaved woodland habitat.
On presenting the team with the award, Estates and Planning Director, Rob Westell commented: “Brickworth Quarry would simply not operate without intricate forward planning of tree felling/soil stripping/tree planting to safeguard rare and protected species.
The team at Brickworth, with support from Mark, has gone above and beyond to ensure our commitments to safeguard protected species have been fulfilled while also ensuring the quarry maintains available reserves and voidspace. One particular example of where the team has succeeded is the creation of reptile hibernaculas, more usually carried out by ecological contractors, but here undertaken by the quarry team.
This award is very well deserved and recognises the commitment to biodiversity we strive to achieve.”